Painitngs 2004
So it took many years to unlearn the little i knew ; many efforts not to be influenced by one self . And it will take many more years to be able to thank THAT reality , heart to heart . An artist transform matter into Love . A Creator transform Love into matter . And so it is : LOVE for LOVE , ALWAYS .
dated 2004 until 2004
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
send a message to the artist

There is nothing but God
2004take aim and shoot your small self , right on target

It is all or nothing
2004That is the choice we are confronted with . Well , i have made mine

2004The only cure for craziness is grace

Beyond the scream ; peace
2004We find it out the hard way . no escape . one way street .

2004let us all be Re-evolutionnaires

I wish you , YOU
2004When the creator actually makes love to Its Creation

2004deeper and deeper

Right vision
2004when with pink glasses everything looks pink ,

2004Peace in the nose . See Detail in Magish surrealist section

2004Time for waking up .See Detail in magish surrealist section .

Le Mystere
2004The famous mystery of Magritte has a good reason to be . At least , the mystery is meaningful .

Blue summit
2004Mount Kailasa , with eternal peace

We are but part of the All
2004The sooner the better

2004Consummation at its peak

Lady M
2004A women and a rocket together can only be the divine Mother

Dog man
2004You have to start somewhere , and it hurts

2004Just like electricity , it goes from one pole to the other and vice versa

Pomme - Vole
2004Apple Game

God Spot
2004target on Love

French can can
2004and pistachio ice cream

Vive la France
2004Well , that s all in the rooster that s going through the head .

Chien et chat meme combat
2004Your worst enemy is probably your best friend