Paintings 2008 selection
Life is going on
dated 2008 until 2008
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Retour à l'innocence
2008C'est la fete dans la tete

Fl ' eau ' ve

Rush hour
2008That s when the horse gets a direction

Foot soldier
2008The good servant

And who do you think is doing all the work
2008Not the small body - mind you .

The great pupetteer
2008The director and the play , playing

You have better believe it
2008We are not perishable . The body , yes .

All Dogs

2008light feeding

E Cachelote
2008In the sign of Jonah , book of Boeli van Leeuwen , the spermwhale ( Cachelote ) is God on earth .


Chien et chien
2008Father and child

Not easy to be dog
2008At the end of the day

La guerriere
2008Love fighter

Cat- fish

Eye opener
2008Even vision , and to which extend, is grace . One second you do not see , and the next , you do .

This world and the other
2008Before and after death

Chien Gentil - Dushi Kacho
2008Well , not every dog is born to bite .

2008The pleasure of the senses

La Vache
2008Symbol for experience

95 %
2008Love in action

Peace is inside
2008When the inside changes , then changes the world .

Born old , die young
2008That s the best way to exit

Dog playing horse
2008An individual is Nothing else than God in Its separated ( ignorant ) state .

E Kuchu ta korta mi
2008Is it a crab ? no , it is a Lion . This work is dedicated to Boeli van Leeuwen .If you want to know what s writen on the side of the face , let me know .

Father on Earth
2008The title was given by a great writer from Curacao ' Boeli van Leeuwen ' And right after ' Father on earth ' came ' Our Father which art in heaven .... ' Peace and glory to his Soul .

Plume dans la bouche
2008The Best of you .

Rembrandt becoming God
2008Why do you believe that you are responsible for Art . Dont you get enough signs , yet , that it is coming from beyond the mind .

The Match maker
2008Now you understand that your Mother is the best possible one , your children also and your partner as well .

Start early , drive safely
2008Beauty and meaning gives me a thrill.That thrill keeps the artist alive .Blow that worl up and find out that it is not painted , just outlined .

Fire is Light
2008We will always have to go through the experiences , as they generate Light . But observing them , hurts less than being fooled in believing that they are actually real .

Master and Devotee
2008Where Love flows and grows

Free at last
2008If you love birds , then you dont cut their wings or put them in a cage ( that s attachement or possessiveness or ownership )

Medecine for the poor
2008We are the poor

My Rock
2008Spirit is light and ever ready to fly .

Angelus de Millet
2008In the amazement is the humility of the artist .

Becoming God
2008When you focus on It , you become It .

Faith makes me strong
2008Faith gives you a purpose , a direction ,a determination in the effort and a most needed foundation . From there you can fly .

The Beast Tamer
2008We are the Beast

The Gandhi way
2008There is more Truth in non violence ( ahimsa ) than in the famous one eye for one eye , where everybody ends blind .

Work is Love made visible
2008This statement from Kahlil Gibran is worth repeating : Work is Love made visible .

2008That s the Man with a tail . I mean Balls .

No 9
2008This is a banal crucifixion , of a regular individual , going on through the detachement from the senses s objects .

One more step
2008Wisdom , or long term happiness is born out of ' misery '

The Flower and Me is One
2008This is the raison d'etre of the universe .

Man and his Master
2008Fortunately , Masters exist . Mine is my only hope .