What s in a name

What s in a name
Zanolino - to - Zan
I would not change my name , unless it would harbor a spiritual message , or added meaning = Truth .
When I met Roberto Matta , in Curacao , for 3 great days , at the very end of the 20 th century , he told me many stories , and one of them , about meeting Dali for the 1 st time
Roberto Antonio Sebastián Matta Echaurren (November 11, 1911 – November 23,2002) Architect from formation , on his way to the Paris atelier of Le Corbusier , departed from his native Chili , passing through Spain where he met Dali with a recommendation letter , and the first word Dali told him after reading , was
“ That s too long . Your name is way too long . We will call you Matta .”
And it stuck for ever
Then after sharing his memory , Matta tells me “ And for you , it is the same .”
Well , I would certainly not be influenced that easily , especially that names belongs to individualistic weak forces , what is understood as Ego .
But I then told him that I had been toying with the idea already for the 2 last weeks , as there were an experience of a Spiritual concept in my own name .
In Philosophy , the definition of Truth = What does not change . So what will remain by time , or space , making it Imperishable and eternal .
Now , my Master Sri Sathya Sai Baba from a Vedic story , had just taught us about the Possibility of reaching opposites conclusions from the exact same words , but pronounced in a different way .
I realized then that my own name confirmed the concept
You could either say ; ZAN Holly No ?
Or : ZAN Holly NOoooooo !
And that is how I began to sign ZAN , to unload all what was not the Unchanging Truth .
Just another story prepared from the Beyond of which we are all Actors .
Zanolino Philippe – Curacao –France