Sculpture mixed media
Things as they come , little by little , completing the puzzle .
dated 1993 until 2017
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Bless the day
2017A journey to Inner peace ...

2016Go for it

Velo - Love in the mondi

2016Flesh is going

Paw Paw
2016DOG - GOD

The Listener
2016He is all ears

St Peter Stuyvesant
2016An hommage to the open mind

2014Target on Love

2013What a smile of not wanting anything

Marriage d'Amour
2013Married with Love , with Love..You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

Colonne small people 1
2012Small people means all of us , insignificant as individuals , but nevertheless of extreme importance for the Totality to be .

A good place to meditate
2011Peace is inside , but the surroundings contribute to it , till it is found and maintained .

Squeezing the inner Child out
2011the turkey is cooked and kicking. You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

GOD s fingers
2008This object was inspired by the prostate cancer , part of a show organized by the Prinses Wilhelmina fonds , for awareness purposes .

I wish you , YOU
2006All or nothing , thats your choice .

The role and its Actor
2006Love in its state of Self experience . VOL-LOV

The actor and the role
2006DOG-GOD . Dog = creator Role = creation

Antillean Goat
2006Goat escaping the prison of the past , crying Stars of joy , in gratefulness for the new pair of wings .

The Guard
2005Dog skull and puppet

Machine a Lover
2003Love machine build from one Machine a laver and 2 ironing boards .Sacrifice concept .

Walking on water
2000Unless your confidence is of armed beton , better put your plastic shoes to take the wave .

1993when you get born , everything becomes kind of upside down .

Monkey mind and Love glasses
2002There is nothing such as ' outside '

Love at first stone
2005VOLE-LOVE . Very stable Love as the work is made with 4 construction blocks and iron .In the back stand the 4 letters L O V E . Still light enough to fly .

Queen s crown nest
2005This piece was commissioned by the Fortkerk museum Curacao , for the celebration of the 25 th anniversary of Queen Beatrix s coronation .

Be a Queen for one day
2005Not political but spiritual piece . Less body , more Spirit . You can explore more about it in the gallery at ' Be a Queen for one day '

Bleu-Blanc-Orange . The French touch
2013A recycling from ' Be a Queen for one day ' after the abdication of Queen Mother and the crowning of King Alexander of the royal family of Orange .it is a spiritual piece which means ; LESS BODY - MORE SPIRIT