I am so very fortunate that the land and people of Curacao accepted my donation of the Tula s painting (http://zanolino.exto.org/site/kunstwerk/13270339_Tula-signing-the-liberty-belll.html ) .That is the official donation speech , on the day of the revolution anniversary : 17 th of august 2009. Pict :Giovani Zanolino
Respet pa TULA I su Kompanjeros
Ta un honor grandi , ku boso ta dunami , pa sirbi mi pais Korsow , su pueblo I su historia .Tambe , mi ta hopi orguyoso , di mi otro pais , Francia , kaminda mi a nance I biba 26 anja largu . Un otro pais de la revolushon
In the year 2000 , Landhuis Knip and the surrounding area , were the stage for Watamula (http://zanolino.exto.org/site/kunstwerken/13489076_Watamula.html ) , an international artist workshop . 20 artistes in all . From India , Cuba , Trinidad , Colombia , Puerto Rico , Jamaica , Aruba and Korsow . And being confronted frontally with slavery , all the artistes concentrated on the great pain . We dealt with it , as a tribute to a memory , one should never forget , but also attended to it with healings in various forms . Do not underestimate the very practical healing power of art . As it is permeated with Truth , when pure and authentic , Art works .
I personally committed 2 interventions . 1 ) as a tribute to courage and determination , when a bulldozer delivered a huge boulder , and dropped it right in front of the Landhuis s stairs , where Tula addressed the Shon , that famous morning . You can believe me , that not even 10 men could move the stone 1 cm . I know , because we tried . 2 ) as an installation in the middle of the kunuku , called rebirth , where confused souls or ghosts if you prefer , could find some peace through a “ Target on Love “ , and go for another chance through 3 huge bird nests among a jungle of roots .
But , a gut feeling was killing me , literally . And one of my announcements in the press was “ You cannot change History , but its meaning , Yes “
Pain and misery are clearly , not enough . Pain and misery alone , are for nothing .
So politically incorrect
French blood runs in this body , I cannot help .
And then I realized “ JESUS ‘ , would you rather focused on the pain of the crucifixion , the torture and the misery , or the Sacrifice that was to start a universal landslide of Love .
There is no denying that billions of miracles have been accomplished with the power of His name alone .
So I have for you , the following question : Jesus , a victim , or a Hero ?
Well , there is no denial either , that humanity is rising toward Unity , forgetting colours and genders . Mankind is growing . How else could you explain Obama . and we nearly got Hillary . And we for sure have Emily .
Thank you Tula , and all the freedom fighters , for you derail the system of profits and losses . The system that doesn’t recognize us as equals , and see us as laborers , consumers , electors and at time just pieces of meat . The complete opposite of Brotherhood .
It is not even , the devil s work . Man s greed is enough for it .
But do not be mistaken . Greed has all colours , it is yellow , white and black . It is simply you and me . Humans are the monsters when in the state of ignorance . all of us . And at times , we do have to fight that greed with the gun . Without it , you and me would still be slaves .It is accepted that if someone tries to kill you , and you really have no other means to escape or to defend yourself, in self defense, you have the right to kill him .
That s why there is such a huge gun in the Tula painting . Exceptionally , violence is Dharma , which translate as , the just thing ,the right thing or duty . Ahimsa or non violence could nt have worked in Curacao . All slaves would have perished and be replaced .It would have been , just a bad business year . By the way , Mahatma Gandhi , toward the end of the Indian revolution , was considering armed fight also , as too many of them had fallen under many rains of bullets , children included .
Jesus told us “ if the Roman army asks you to push the cart for 1 mile , do it for 2 “ . Also in the East , have they recognized more power to acceptance than resistance . But up to a certain point . Then , Jesus storms the temple and kicks the profit and losses people . And died for it . badly too . Again , be wise , and recognize , that it has nothing to do with the Jews or the Romans .It has to do with man . Monster man . Man without God .
Tula works for humanity , not just a part of it . He is universal . He is for ever . All of you , through him have participated in the salvation of mankind . We climbed one more step toward the glory . I even got confirmation , when on a large blue canvas , Jesus appeared on the cross ( http://zanolino.exto.org/site/kunstwerk/240470_Caryatide.html ) playing the Benta ( bow ; typical instrument from Musik di Zumbi , played formerly by the slaves )
Is it not obvious that the world is a better place than 300 years ago . Off course there is still rampant slavery today . Yes, but not mainstream . It is now criminal , world wide , but will exist underground till the end of time .
In the year 2006 , a film crew from Los Angeles came to Curacao , for footages about an art movie , commissioned by the Irene van Van Herksen foundation , concerning Jose Maria Capricorne , and Nelson Carrillho , both Yu Korsow living in the Nederlands , and myself , the Franco-Curacao fellow . The movie is called , VELO- LOVE , and builds a transatlantic bridge of love and Spirit . Of , course , Curacao and its history , is central to the film . The documentary is still in process but hopefully will be finalized soon .
We filmed for 3 days and went all over the place , but for where the tourists go . On the last evening , they felt the urge to shoot a typical Curacao beach . As their flight was leaving at noon , we drove early morning to Small Knip , and before the beach , we stopped at the landhuis , took great footage of the hills , and spoke of Tula .And during the entire shooting , the Movie director , mr Rob Corsini , a peace activist , was exclaiming “ This is God studio . The light is perfect . unbelievable “.So understand , that this adventure was prearranged , but not by us .
It would take a few days , for me to gather data , and realize , that the revolution started the 17 th of august 1795 , and we had been filming at Landhuis Knip , on the 17 th of august 2007 . Exactly 212 years later . Well , do not believe in coincidences .
It is the great Power , that inspires us . And guides us . And gives us the courage to go through ordeals .It is that same great power , that decides when the abuse has become a crime against humanity , and therefore send a savior of humanity .
Are the people free today ? What is freedom ?
My beloved spiritual guide , Sri Sathya sai Baba , declares “ Freedom is not , doing what you want . It is loving what you have to do .”
Freedom is inside , just as peace is . You will not find it outside . It walks hand in hand with Duty . Freedom and duty are twins sisters . So is it not the time to finish what Tula started ? With His sacrifice , Tula took a huge chunk of our liberation . But only us as individuals , will be able to complete the cycle , and finally reach personal emancipation from the monster . That is what I call r ‘ EVOLUTION . ( http://zanolino.exto.org/site/index/13280618_r-EVOLUTION.html )
Why are we so different in appearances ? why so many cultures . Why so many religions . At least , you have to concede that the Creator is not boring . I believe that we grow , by loving the differences . We grow in Tolerance , Forbearance , and ultimately It will lead us to the common sense knowledge , that under the skin , and beyond the mind , there shines the spirit , and we all partake in it . There we are ONE .
Awor , mi ta bai kaba ku un pregunta essential
Por favor , bai kas ku ne I konteste ku bo kurason . Di berdat , e mente no sa nada .