Deus ex machina .Real work of Art always come from beyond the Artist . Just like E= MC(square ), or the apple of Newton .Even in a slow process , like most sculptures , the surprises surge .Of course it can take 10 years to find out .
dated 1989 until 2016
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Ride On
2016Dedicated to Marcel Duchamp ... VELO - LOVE

As simple as it gets
2016The Nothing

The Flower of Sacrifice

Cathedral of Hope
2013Dancing with the Dog . You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

Slave of Love
2013Once rid of body and mental slavery , can we aspire to Love slavery as there is nothing else we want , anymore . Love for Love always , and permanent undisturbed freedom . Slave of Love is dedicated to the EternaL ..You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

Thumb up
2013go with the flow

2012Wood is alive , like anything else and Spirit shows , and breath .

2012The Yoni is the symbolic manifestation of Creation This One has the innherent power to feed all its children

Dama di Anochi
2011Dama di Anochi ( Lady from the Night ) is the name of the most spectacular and fragrant Cactus flower , blooming in the middle of the night for a few hours . You recognize , the Power , the Sacrifice and the soaring Spirit , still aware of its roots , of our Dushi Curacao , all together delivering a meaningful Beauty . You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

Squeezing the inner Child out
2011You can feel the effort and commitment it takes to reach inner balance

2011YAYA means Nanny in Papiamento , the language from Curacao . It is all about Protection , fearlessness and no worry .The wood is Palu di Wicks which translates as Eucalyptus . You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

Blessing of our black Ancestors
2010Even with all the DNA evidences and all the geographic data , some are still doubting that Adam and Eve were blacks from South- East Africa .

Haiti Chérie
2010After the sacrifice - The Healing

Nanzi at peace
2010At best , the world and its experience should be harmonious . This magnificent wood is " Barba di jonku man " from Curacao

Show us the way
2010We are lost into ignorance and attachment . Do show us the way . Thanx . The wood is Tamarind from Curacao

2007We are a lot less different than it looks .

2007This is a veritable totem , a gathering of very potent and meaningful symbols , of both the sides of the medal .You could translate it as ' God-Love-Desire '

Enjoy the ride

La Cafetiere
2007So many names , so many forms , but at the beginning and the end , We are One .

Sculpture in fire
2007Precious wood makes good fire .

Shiva Shakti
2007Creator-Creation . The Power and Its effulgence .

2007just like a rocket , It fl ' eyes .

1991They sat with God , chatted , and came back . The Liars are dedicated to Irene and Monique van Herksen . You can see the digital photomontage in Sculptures montage

1989Slowly but surely

Fl 'Ame
1995we are glorious .

Shiva Shakti
1996Creator- Creation Mahogany wood

1996a bit like when you come back from the dentist Palu di Katuna ( coton wood ) iron , mahogany ,

1996Shiva-Shakti . Spirit and its effulgence .

2005how are you ?

Crucify the small i ( short story )
2000See the short story no 2 in the info pages .

1996it is not a nuclear explosion , it is a spiritual one .

Fente souple
1996All in ONE

Two hills
1996Looks like a tooth , but i doubt it is .

Kunuku en marche
1996The force of the people .

one horn gone
1997half of the way

1996Symbol of fertility