Paintings till 1997
This is a rapid overview of paintings from 1986 till 1997 . Evolution is a consistent meritorious process . A bit like school where you proceed to the next grade only after clearing the present one .No luck ,no bad luck .
dated 1986 until 1997
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Le joueur de carte
1986The question and the answer , or is it the other way around ?

Lui et l'autre et moi
1987L'amour avec du panache

1987Father and child

Self au chapeau
1989This a clear picture of the team ZAN .

Paix , premier armistice
1990Learning to fly from the Master

1991At the cross road .


1990Birth hurts even the second one .

1991But still afloat

1991Action-reaction is how we make our own destiny

1991They sat and chatted with God , then came back for us .

1991L'originalite s'est terminee lorsque le premier germe fut ne .

La profondeur du role
1991We come from deep

1991the Surrealiste beast

Le monde est beau
1992The only problem is our understanding .

1992contemplation de la mort

Fleur pourpre
1992Flying horse

Croix de Lumiere
1992after the scream , the bliss

sexy turkey
1992When the body melts

Triangle rouge
1992A spark of intuition

1992always restless , just like the Ego

1992Opening of the 3 rd eye

1993The poet flies

Bouche bleue
1993Looks like healing

Blue Pope with blue balls
1993It s a blue

Tete de mouton
1993disintegration - reconstructiom

Tete penchee et couleurs
1993Looking for the Light

Sex and money
1993An image of the material world

3 chairs
1993Trinity .The one you think you are (body ), the one other think you are (mind ) , the one you really are ( Soul ) : SSSB

a hell of a good Man
1993a heart big like sacrifice .see Detail in magish surrealist section .

1993the reality of appearences

1993no woman , no cry

Homme avec plumes et brosse
1994we all come from somewhere

1994Profession de foi : I am an artist

1994Kill the beast

Pleurs rouges
1994away from the world

The man Rembrandt was good and alive
1995Homage to the Master

A bout de souffle
1995Misery is the high way to wisdom

Red pollution
1995when wounds are nuisances

avec une paille dans la bouche
1996Biba i laga biba

2 half windows
1997Focus on a deeper reality

Superposition simple et point rouge
1997a frame makes the same reality deeper and lighter .

Superposition simple hotel Caracas
1997What an adventure