Paintings 2011
This is the year of the V.I.S.P (Very. Importan.Small.People) This is also the year before 2012 tell me if you can choose what it is you want, War or Peace?
dated 2011 until 2011
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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Freedom at last
2011Sri Sathya Sai Baba said it " The End of wisdom is Freedom . "

The golden Bridge
2011That s the Bridge that crosses the Ego to reach contentment

The great fight for Wisdom
2011Fighting ignorance is the only way to realize wisdom . It was always there , but covered with individualistic Ego dirt .

Born on Sunday
2011With a rocket Hat , God s speed , no limits ,

Les 3 Graces et le Chien
2011Square and fair, we're all in it together.

Saved by the Bone Bell
2011Saved by what you thought would destroy you

2011It has to do with expansion

Tout n'est qu'Illusion . pourtant ca fait mal
2011Art is the Mirror , the Reflection and the Reflected . Art is an Experience , a vibrant moment of existence