Paintings 2009 selection
Monk + Key = Monkey .When doing imitation ,the artist uses art < when doing Creation the ART uses the Artist .It is the same difference as speaking and Listening .One is individual , the other universal .Imagination is boring , TRUTH is surprising and always MEANINGFUL . What else do you want .
dated 2009 until 2012
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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E Sol ta
2009And even the Sun is taken for granted .

Calme à l'horizon
2009Silence is ONE . Sounds are many .

2009It takes guts to be free .

The General Public
2009We care all in it together , and if you are a keen observer ; It shows .

Tiens moi fort
2009We are not the doers .

Dog gone
2009No more worry , no more fear . Acceptance and contentment.

The Team Clemensac
2009Mr Clemensac was my only teacher of Art . I am glad to be in his team . Merci pour tout .

Blowing the whistle
2009Time for action . Makes me think of the shooting squad execution in Goya s work .

2012This is the art of listening , of attuning one self to universal Dharma ( the Right Thing )

Kiss the Dog

Who are we
2009I wonder if an individual as such really exist ? It seems to me that we are rather a composite team , made of many , but looking as one . The entity here looks just like Hans Vaders , a journalist , writer , from Curacao .

The team has w'one
2009A real team is One ,

2009Faith is the gasoline for the human engine .

Crying man
2009Life is good

Gala s child
2009Dali - Gala

The Peace Monger
2009Dedicated to my Master , Sri Sathya Sai Baba .

Medicine for the Poor
2009A poor in the East , is one that is searching for God , but is still lost in Ignorance .

Abhaya Hasta
2009My intervention here is minimal .Just the yellow line . Everything else is from the blue . Abhaya Hasta is the extended palm of the Master granting protection .

Apprendre la Mort
2009Dedicated to the philosophe Seneque . At least you should know that it can happen anytime .Or like Marcel Duchamp on his grave ' Je pensais que cela n'arrivait qu,aux autres '

Kill me
2009Thats the upmost service you can render me .In a positive way .

2009Never enough

L'Amour pour l'Amour
2009Love flows out of the sacrifice .

The flying package
2009The bright nest of Die Mind .

Koti Pranam
2009Have an experience . Blow the image and see the gross uncontrolled technic . Mind cannnot understand That .

2009Single minded Devotion . All the eggs in the same basket .If you want to appreciate this work , go away 2 steps from your screen

The Sower
2009Everything starts as a seed . Even the universe .

The Mind Blower
2009Exactly what happens in Real .When you finally witness Glory , you dont care anymore about understanding .

Chien jouant au loup
2009Same Actor - different roles .